ぱらぱらめくる『Simplicial Complexes of Graphs』
Simplicial Complexes of Graphs (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
- 作者: Jakob Jonsson
- 出版社/メーカー: Springer
- 発売日: 2007/11/15
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- クリック: 1回
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- Part I (1,2,3)
- 1 Introduction and Overview
- 2 Abstract Graphs and Set Systems
- Graphs, Hypergraphs, and Digraphs
- Graphs
- Paths, Components and Cycles
- Bipartate Graphs
- Digraphs
- Directed Paths and Cycles
- Hypergraphs, r-uniform hypergraph
- Covered, Isorated
- Posets and Lattices
- Atom, Relation, Chain, Rank, Unique greatest lower bound, Unique least upper bound
- Partition and Partition lattice
- Abstract Simplicial Complexes
- Matroids
- Integer Partitions
- Graphs, Hypergraphs, and Digraphs
- 3 Simplicial Topology
- Basic Definitions
- void と empty
- Combinatorically equivalent, homeomorphism
- Dimension
- Collapses
- Joins, Cones, Suspensions, and Wedges
- Basic Definitions