• ZDDについて勉強中
  • グラフのクリークの演算がありそうなCUDDというのがある
Graph operators
Cudd_zddCliques: Finds the set of all cliques of the graph
represented as a ZDD.
Cudd_zddMaxCliques: Finds the set of all maximal cliques
of the graph represented as a ZDD in one bottom-up
Cudd_zddIncremCliques: Given a ZDD of the graph and a
ZDD of all cliques of size k, computes the set of all
cliques of size k+1. (Notice that the graph representation
is the set of all cliques of the size two.)
Cudd_zddGraphColoring: Given a ZDD of the graph, finds
a heuristic coloring of the graph (not finished)
Cudd_zddRandomGraph: Generates a ZDD representing a
random graph with n nodes and density d (not finished)